Hot spots features:
• Each hot spots is characterized by various attributes like shape, location and size.
• Overlapping hotspots are perfectly valid.
• Hotspots are defined using x and y coordinates.
Types of hot spots
• CircleHotSpot
• RectangleHotSpot
• PolygonHotSpot
We should define X, Y and radius to get this property.
We should defne Top,Buttom,Left and Right coordinates to get this property.
I got four images in one image and maping images using imagemap to navigation property. when the user clicks on circle or rectangle images I used navigation property to redirect to different urls. As shown above figure the code looks like this.
<asp:ImageMap ID="ImageMap1" runat="server" Height="300px" ImageUrl="~/Images/ImageMap.JPG" Width="300px">
<asp:CircleHotSpot Radius="40" AlternateText="Go to CoolTuts" X="50" Y="218" Target="_blank" NavigateUrl="" />
<asp:RectangleHotSpot AlternateText="Go to Bing" Left="17" Right="85" Top="27" Target="_blank" Bottom="110" NavigateUrl="" />
<asp:RectangleHotSpot AlternateText="Go to Google" Left="140" Right="290" Top="27" Target="_blank" Bottom="110" NavigateUrl="" />
<asp:RectangleHotSpot AlternateText="Go to Yahoo" Left="185" Right="255" Top="140" Target="_blank" Bottom="287" NavigateUrl="" />
That’s it, test it and let me know if any Questions?
Emmaneale Mendu
Web Developer
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